birds symbol peace! so peace to everyone! =],:)
whoa! skydiving so cool but i wouldn't want to risk my life skydiving. so all you skydivers out there good luck! =]
Thursday, December 10, 2009
How can I be creative in today’s world?
What part will the Internet play in helping me to be creative?
If I can post my art, video, or writing work on the Internet for the world to see, will this make me work differently than if only my teacher was going to see it?
1.I am always creative everywhere but today we have all types of new techniques . on the Internet there are many new creative sites like blogger they can help me be more creative by posting all kinds of creative things and expressing myself. my teacher told me you should always be sure to put things that you want people to see and that you would like to share with whoever sees it. and it always has to be appropriate
Monday, December 7, 2009
awwww so cute!
Its true, some friends come in your'e life for a reason some come for a season =]
thats what matters
peace is friendship ! =]
Saturday, December 5, 2009
peace rocks, l love peace i mean who doesn't? not me =]